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"I've only been here a few days and look what I'm up against: Red Legion, Tuatha, and bodies lying on the road. I'm off to a grand start".

Aewin Rathgar


Aewin Rathgar is a town guard voluteer at the almain settlement of Gorhart. She joined her cousin, Herc Adwold, to help him keep the peace.

Aewin mostly stays near the town's jail: Lawbreaker's Grotto, guarding the entrance.


She is first met at the central plaza of Gorhart, dealing with the townsfolk who were gathering around a recently wounded Fae. She forces them to leave so that the warden can do his job on the victim.

Being one of the first humans that the Fateless One meets, he/she can talk to her to have more insight about the Faelands. Aewin gives information concerning the Crystal War; about humans, both Almain and Varani; the Tuatha; the Alfar; the fair folk, and more.


Town centre[]

  • "Everyone just stand back. The warden cannot work when you're crowding so close. Go back to your business. Go on".


  • "Keep moving. This business doesn't concern you. Unless you're an expert scholar on the Fae, I'd suggest you move along. No reason to be out in the open with the Red Legion about".
  • "I don't know if you noticed, but St. Odwig's Mission closed its gate moments before that [[Fae's body turned up on the road. I don't like what that suggests. Not at all".
  • "The Brothers of St. Odwig's are an odd sort, scurrying back and forth across the mission like squirrels gathering nuts. I wonder what goes on behind those closed doors".
  • "Bandits... but no ordinary bandits. Surely you've heard of Red "the Dead" Idward? They say he drinks the blood of his captives, that he consumes their souls. Or perhaps those are just rumors..."
  • "You should be fine if you stay inside the village. Once you go beyond the boundaries of Gorhart, however, your life is in your hands".
  • "We're going on ten years of the mortals and the Tuatha locked in a deadly embrace. Normally I'd decry the bloodshed, but this is a conflict that we cannot afford to lose".
  • "I'd never seen one of them until a day or so ago. It appears that a small group of warriors ventured inland to strike behind our lines. Believe the stories, friend. The Tuatha are mad. They have been touched by a dark magic. They are wholly corrupted, and they are the enemy".

Building Bridges[]

  • "Believe me, the attack has me spooked. I'm not even a proper warden, just a voluteer... I'll stick to jail duty. At least there the criminals are behind locked doors".
  • "Our guests aren't the wickedest breed you'll find in these forests, but they're had enough to earn a spot in my collection. Stay clear. That's an order".

Personality and Traits[]

Aewin is a passionate woman, especially about duty. She is extremely practical and respectful of those who demonstrate prowess and fortitude.

Sometimes she can be somewhat naive, as for example her belief about some of the tales said about the Red Legion, and particularlyits leader, Red "the Dead" Idward. The kind of rumours or tales that border the macabre, unreal, and spectacular.

She also shows great respect for the Fae, especially for one of their most important Houses, the one of Ballads, and its many heroes. The same cannot be said about the Tuatha though, whom she considers the enemy of all mortal races, and the kind of foe that has to be defeated at all costs.



<gallery captionalign="center" orientation="square"> Aewin Rathgar.png Aewin.2.png|Aewin speaking to the villagers.
