In the heart of Alabastra is the former Unseelie city of Bhaile. Beneath the Winter King's court there is the cave of Amethyn. It's a place of tremendous power. It is where Tirnoch is imprisoned, and it is where you died.
Amethyn is the last area in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Good Luck.
Several things of note can be found in this location:
- Splinter of Fate
- Prismere Growth x 14 - 5 in the Court of Winter
- Chest (unlocked) x 4 - 2 in the Court of Winter
- Chest (Average) x 1
- Chest (Hard) x 3 - 2 in the Court of Winter
- Chest (Very Hard) x 1
- Warded Chest (Average) x 1
- There are individual items scattered about that also may be looted.
- The chests in Amethyn have large chances of containing Unique Weapons, but their damage will be low relatively to the Fateless One's level.