- "We haven’t met. I’m Baldo Bergmann. It’s nice to see a new face in camp, though I’d be remiss if I didn’t warn you. Revival is wonderful but… we have our fair share of trouble. Most recently, a series of kidnappings, including my daughter Heidi. I’m a representative for the families of the taken. I speak for those who’ve been affected by the abductions.”
Baldo Bergmann is a male Almain and the father of Heidi Bergmann. Originally an import merchant hailing from Didenhil, he and his daughter left The Faelands to escape the ongoing war. They then decided to migrate west to Mithros after purchasing farm shares in the region from a traveling merchant. After reaching the resettlement camp of Revival, Baldo’s daughter disappeared without a trace.
The Fateless One first encounters Baldo Bergmann when they agree to help him find his missing daughter and the other settlers that recently disappeared during The Taken side quest.
Baldo Bergmann can always be found in Revival.
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