Amalur Wiki


"Hope I didn’t disturb you. I can’t help but sing to keep my spirits up. You can call me Colet."


The Fateless One meets Colet during The Sound of Mithros side quest, and is also a person of interest that can be investigated during the Stolen Ticket side quest, both of which are available exclusively in the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Fatesworn DLC expansion pack. Colet is a Ljosalfar female singer born in the village of Canneroc. Wishing to escape her oppressive mother and the Webwood spiders, she ran away from home at a young age and spent most of the Crystal War in Felltown inside the Gardens of Ysa where she became a singer with a particular fondness for Mitharan folk music. Her dream is to form a musical ensemble to perform on the great stages of Amalur.


Colet can be found in the settler encampment at the southern end of the The Westroad.

After forming the musical ensemble, Colet and the Echoes, Colet can be found touring alongside her fellow musicians throughout Mithros.

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Ain’t it nice to see a new face in the crowd. Every new face brings new inspiration.

Colet, encountering the Fateless One

The vistas are breathtaking, inspiring. I’d never seen snow before, so imagine my shock when the clouds began to fall.

Colet, seeing snow for the first time in Mithros

Little is known of the great Mitharan culture, as they’ve supposedly kept hidden for centuries. However, we’ve discovered that their language and music is based on the tonal qualities of the Erathi light-speech.

Colet, when asked about Mitharan music

What a gift! I couldn’t have asked for better collaborators! … Thank you. I expect to see you at our performances. You’re our biggest fan.

Colet, speaking to the Fateless One after forming Colet and the Echoes
