Reddle Mane, the leader of the humans and Alfar in the city of Adessa, asked me to perform a number of tasks to improve life in the Hospitalis Quarters, the building where the humans and Alfar are housed.
- Reddle Mane in Hospitalis Quarters asks the Fateless One for assistance with some of the petitions posted on the Prester's Path.
- To complete this quest the Fateless One needs to finish two of the three jobs on the contract board: The Tithes that Bind, Hand-Delivered, Shipping Error.
- After those are done the Fateless One should speak to Reddle Mane in his office to end the quest (XP and Gold, both level-based ~2900 and 5050 at level 33 - the reward does not change whether you do two or three of the tasks, though you can do the third after you have completed this quest.)
- If this quest is done as part of New in Town, Reddle Mane will provide information about the mysterious benefactor and start Under Watch.
- XP and Gold, both level-based ~2900 and 5050 at level 33