A Crudok is a large, humanoid scorpion-like creature that deals Poison Damage.
They can be found throughout Dalentarth, mostly in Webwood, and across the Plains of Erathell.
They utilize many strategies against targets by either spitting several poison missiles that chase its victims or by leaping through the air and landing on its prey in order to use its tail to deal a direct heavy blow.
A Crudok's appearance is rather unusual. They have four lower legs ending in palms, which are similar to human hands. These allow them to move with a moderate speed while their two upper torso limbs allow them to deal slashing blows and swipes. Most notably are the two smaller limbs on either side of the head which are attached to what appears to be an organic mask. The mask hides the Crudok's true visage, and it shows its face when roaring, spitting poison, or making a threatening pose, such as when it first bursts from underground.
Crudoks are not always visible when the Fateless One approaches. Often, they are hiding below ground. When the Fateless One is within range, they burst out of the ground roaring while showing their true face. Once they begin attacking, the mask covers the face.
A fight with a Crudok often begins with the Crudok spitting out three balls of poison which move slowly and have strong homing capabilities. It's highly recommended to simply block rather than dodge since they do not cause too much damage, and they continue to follow the player even after the dodge. If the player stays within range, a Crudok will likely spam the three poison-ball attacks continuously.
Once the player moves out of range, the Crudok will often jump up and attempt to land on or near the player and deliver a powerful attack with its poisoned tail. It then follows up with a large area-effect poisonous spray, which does not cause a large amount of damage. The jump attack and the poison spray are relatively easy to dodge.
Another method of combat is to try and stun them with a lightning spell. While stunned, it is an ideal time to move in close and deal some heavy damage with either a flurry of blows from light weapons to a few strong ones with heavy weapons.
- HP: Medium
- Resistances: Immune to Poison
- Weakness: None
- Attacks: Jump Attack, Poison Spray, Scorpion-like Tail Sting, Homing Insect Clouds
- Difficulty: Hard