Amalur Wiki

Combine the mystic elements of Fire, Lightning, and Ice into a devastating chain of attacks.


Elemental Rage is a Sorcery-based attack that combines the elements of fire, lightning, and ice into a chain of attacks. Lightning pulses with the first cast, dealing Lightning Damage and drawing enemies in. Fire torches enemies in the area on the second cast, dealing Fire Damage and moving you away from enemies. The third cast finishes with an icy explosion, dealing Ice Damage in the area and slowing enemies.


There are five levels for this ability. Two more may be unlocked via ability bonuses.

Level Lightning Damage Lightning cast mana cost Fire Damage Fire cast mana cost Ice Damage Ice cast mana cost
1 90 55 130 55 100 60
2 105 60 150 60 110 65
3 120 65 170 65 125 70
4 135 70 190 70 145 75
5 150 75 210 75 170 80
6 165 75 230 75 200 80
7 180 75 250 75 230 80

