Amalur Wiki

I played mostly Normal, while at earlier stages of the game, I was Casual because I was putting all and reached Soldier and they were hitting quite harder. After investing on the casting side of Sorcery, I shifted into Crusader while spending some time both as Battle Mage and Soldier. Then I played Normal and transformed into Paragon and lastly full fledged Champion. I am level 36 and I don't know if I should play more, while I am wondering whether there is more to the game. I really liked the elf. I maxed 9-d Sagecrafting, Blacksmithing and Persuasion also touching on Alchemy as well is 6. I sport the Bolgar Bane Armor Set and I don't intend to play this build story-wise, but I will try to build a Shadocaster as well. I think I will use mostly the same build on Sorcery except this time I am putting 55 on Finesse. I really don't intend to play with scepters, so I will make a Finesse/Sorcery version because I don't think either a full sorcerer or full ninja is worthy. Somewhere in the middle is where I aim for. This is the hammer/greatsworder I made. I think I tackled the most of the Might with the Sorcerer side of the game.

Champion Diagolo - level 36

Might - 55
Brutal Weaponry - I-IV. max 3 of 3 on all
Hammer Mastery - 6 of 6
Greatsword Mastery - 6 of 6
Concussive Force - 5 of 5
Bulwark - 5 of 5
Adrenaline Surge - 5 of 5
Power Strike - 5 of 5
Hardy Constitution - 6 of 6
Skillful Defense - 5 of 5

Sorcery - 56
Sphere of Protection - 6 of 6
ealing Surge - 5 of 5
Sphere of Reprisal - 5 of 5
Mark of Flame - 5 of 5
Storm Bolt - 6 of 6
Chain Lightning - 5 of 5
Tempest - 5 of 5
Conservative Casting - 5 of 5
Ice Barrage - 5 of 5
Frostshackle - 4 of 5

Forum:Best ability build?

LuizF 12/04/2016:
You invested in Hammer Mastery and Greatsword Mastery, two weapons for melee combat, I would invest in one.
Rounding faction quest for bonus +1 might abilities, may decrease one point on each Brutal Weaponry.
These points can be invested in tree Battle Frenzy or Relentless Assault.

Ice Barrage is good, but I prefer to invest in the tree of Summon Faer Gorta.

These are the only changes I made in my champion!!!