- ”I’m very pleased that we’ve become partners. Now I can stop harvesting my grandfather.”
Galeena Strout is a female Dokkalfar anatomist keenly interested in studying the living form ― particularly the Niskaru living form ― to understand how it works and grows. Originally from Apotyre, she once studied with the mages of Rathir but was asked to leave when they discovered she had been collecting their stool samples for study without their knowledge. She also tried to study with the Gnomes of Adessa but was allegedly rejected for being too tall, though it’s more likely that her ready willingness to sacrifice innocent lives for her research was the true reason. With nowhere else to turn Galeena made the decision to travel east to the land of Mithros and eventually settled near the resettlement camp of Revival.
The Fateless One encounters Galeena Strout after the Mitharan Gate is opened by Telogrus and can be hired to collect Niskaru Fangs for her to study during the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Fatesworn DLC task: Niskaru Fangs.
Galeena Strout offers healing services that can restore health and mana, cure diseases, and lift curses inflicted upon the Fateless One.
Galeena Strout can always be found in Revival on the northern side of the Mitharan Gate.