Amalur Wiki


I wouldn't say I ran from the war, I just don't need to know every little thing that's going on. There are other ways to help. Getting folks drunk is one of them.


Gertern Asker is the proprietor of Asker's Alley a tavern in the Gardens of Ysa.


Asker can always be found in Felltown at the Asker's Alley in the Gardens of Ysa.



If you're looking to drown your worries at the bottom of a bottle, this is the place for you. I'm Gartern Asker and this is my establishment.
The ambassadors requested that facilities be created where flesh and blood folks could put their feet up. Not that the Fae know what that means. So the Almain approached my family about starting a tavern. The Alley does well, but I'm no businessman.

when asked about the Asker's Alley.

I know better than to criticize the Fae. They call us "Children of Dust." We treat them like people, but they're like no people I've ever met. This city has been here for thousands of years. Longer than that, even. It will be here long after we're gone.

when asked about the Gardens of Ysa.

Oh, yes, sorry. The United Merchants Delegation. It's a coalition of traders and that have been granted permission to sell their wares in Ysa.

when asked about the Merchants Delegation.

Come back again.


Gertern's surname, Asker, means "soldier" in Turkish.

