- "What can I do for you today, stranger? I’m happy to help however I can."
Gham Bleur is a male Varani traveling merchant that appears exclusively in the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Fatesworn DLC expansion pack. He can be found in a variety of inns and taverns across Amalur and Mithros.
His name is a play on words for the term 'gambler'.
Gham is a traveling merchant that sells a variety of miscellaneous rare and unique weapon, armor, and accessory surprise packages.
Weapons | Cost | Damage | Durability |
Unique Weapon Surprise | 110,660 | ??? | ??? |
Rare Weapon Surprise | 22,132 | ??? | ??? |
Apparel | Cost | Armor | Durability |
Unique Finesse Armor Suprise | 110,660 | ??? | ??? |
Unique Might Armor Surprise | 110,660 | ??? | ??? |
Unique Sorcery Armor Surprise | 110,660 | ??? | ??? |
Rare Finesse Armor Supplies | 22,132 | ??? | ??? |
Rare Might Armor Supplies | 22,132 | ??? | ??? |
Rare Sorcery Armor Supplies | 22,132 | ??? | ??? |
Accessories | Cost |
Unique Jewelry Surprise | 110,660 |
Rare Jewelry Surprise | 22,132 |
Gham can be found in various inns and taverns in the Faelands and Mithros including:
- Gorhart Inn in Gorhart Village
- Seafoam Tavern in Rathir's Lower City
- Mel Senshir Tavern
- Gemstone Tavern in Gale Crossing
- Crownhold