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You are speaking with Lord Godric Payne, patron of House Payne, Honorary Ward of the Lunar Gardens.


The Fateless One meets Godric Payne at the settler encampment found in the southern region of the The Westroad near the road to Odarath. Godric Payne is a male Almain noble who includes among his titles Lord, Patron of House Payne, and Honorary Warden of the Lunar Gardens. Proud, haughty, demanding, entitled, and condescending, Godric Payne cares little for the land and people of Mithros. He is especially disdainful of the Dokkalfar merchant, Dolan Hardy, describing him as “A pickpocket and a charlatan. The worst of the worst.”

Godric Payne is a person of interest that can be investigated by the Fateless One during the Stolen Ticket side quest in the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Fatesworn DLC expansion pack.


Godric Payne is a Blacksmith that can repair the Fateless One’s weapons & armor.


Godric Payne can always be found near the blacksmithing forge inside the settler encampment in the southern region of The Westroad.

Related Quests[]


An outrage! An outrage, I tell you! These lazy soldiers and sell-swords are a disgrace! Good person, if you own anything of value that you wish to retain in these lawless lands, I suggest you heed it carefully. Lord Godric Payne has spoken!

Godric Payne, meeting the Fateless One

My associates assured me that an exploration of Mithros and its reopened trade routes was a wise investment. But I’m beginning to think they played a cruel joke on me.

Godric Payne, reasons for coming to Mithros

Layabouts and dreamers, every one of them. To think I had to deal with their lowly kind back in Rathir.

Godric Payne, thoughts on the settlers

I knew men like him in Adessa. Cruel, clutching, cowering sycophants, all of them. They wield their titles like clubs. I’d hoped to be free of such duplicity out here in the mountains. Apparently, not even the wilderness is safe from their sniveling.

Dolan Hardy, opinion of Godric Payne


  • Godric Payne appears to be wearing armor that is visually similar to the Magnon's Armor Set.