Amalur Wiki

Homecoming is a side mission given by Gizela Wulflac in Gorhart Village after the player finishes the quest Building Bridges and reaches level 4.


Gizela's husband, Camden Wulflac, has gone to war three years ago and since then she never heard from him again. She is worried about him and sends the player to Didenhil, in the direction from where he parted.


  • Travel to Didenhil and there inside the Three Lamps Inn you will find her wounded husband. Talk to Camden and with a successful Persuasion check convince him to return home (With the Persuasion skill at level 4 there is an almost 100% chance of success, but it also may be done at level 3). Whether you succeed or fail in persuading Camden to return home, you may return to Gizela to complete the quest.


