- "Hello. What brings you to the sundry? I’ve got some of your basic goods, but if you need specialty items, Dramil’s your man."
Katarina Hoffman is a female Dokkalfar merchant, Warsworn Quartermaster, and owner of Revival’s supply warehouse. Originally from Rathir, Katarina started her mercantile career in The Pryderi trading imports and exports from across the Phorian Strait. The business would continue to thrive until the outbreak of the Crystal War when blockades cut off the flow of goods. Seeking a new adventure, Katarina made the decision to travel east to the land of Mithros and eventually settled in Revival.
The Fateless One encounters Katarina Hoffman during the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Fatesworn DLC side quest: False Prophets.
Katarina Hoffman is a general merchant that sells a variety of goods including:
Apparel | Cost | Armor | Durability |
The Guardian Cuirass | 400,192 | 368 | 30 |
The Truth | 354,415 | 84 | 20 |
The Guardian Chausses | 276,662 | 184 | 30 |
The Guardian Helm | 276,662 | 184 | 30 |
The Valley Cowl | 249,933 | 84 | 20 |
Zealous Robes of the Warlord | 177,619 | 365 | 25 |
Emperor’s Kite Shield of the Tsunami | 84,214 | 216 | 34 |
Wise Talisman of Night | 77,401 | 99 | 25 |
Wise Kite Shield of Ice Warding | 68,324 | 196 | 34 |
Hero’s Helm of Fire Warding | 64,534 | 239 | 32 |
Innervating Buckler of Obliterating | 54,003 | 137 | 28 |
Buckler of the Hammerlord | 52,289 | 152 | 28 |
Renascent Gauntlets | 48,062 | 134 | 32 |
Cowl of the Precisionist | 47,844 | 132 | 25 |
Innervating Talisman of the Blizzard | 44,066 | 94 | 25 |
Leggings of Coagulation | 40,185 | 204 | 28 |
Zealous Greaves of Madness | 23,870 | 101 | 32 |
Flawless Boots | 22,313 | 142 | 28 |
Handwraps of Madness | 11,913 | 66 | 25 |
Miscellaneous | Cost |
Repair Kit x 10 | 55 |
Katarina Hoffman can always be found in Revival.