Amalur Wiki
Amalur Wiki


”I’m a junker by trade, but I’ve been known to apprentice novice merchants from time to time. Settlers in these parts have a need for an honest trader, and I’m eager to pass along my expertise.”


Maisie Calhoun is a female Ljosalfar refugee that was among the first group of settlers to arrive at Revival together with her parents and brother Dunbert. A junker by trade, she firmly believes in sharing her expertise with others and promoting fair and honest trading among the settlers. Despite her humble appearance, Maisie and her family hold considerable status, influence, and wealth among the settlers. Her grandmother was accused of being a witch by the other settlers, but Maisie paid no heed to the accusations and enjoyed a close relationship with her. In fact, her most treasured possession is a ring given to her by her beloved grandmother that she called, “Maisie’s Luck.” She would later lose the ring when she was kidnapped by slavers when she flung it away with the hope that someone would come upon it and rescue her.

The Fateless One first encounters Maisie Calhoun after rescuing her from her captors during the side quest The Taken. They would later be asked to help recover her lost ring during the side quest, Lucky Charm.


Maisie Calhoun can always be found in Revival.

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I didn’t dare hope that it was truly an enchanted ring. Then all my good fortune could be attributed to magic, not me. But some truths cannot be denied. My grandmother must have wanted the best for me, casting a luck charm without my knowledge.

Maisie Calhoun, thoughts on Maisie’s Luck

