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Persuasion Achievement


Perhaps one of the most easily missed achievements in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is the A Wink and a Smile achievement, which requires 50 successful persuasion attempts. It is easily missed because there are a limited number of persuasion attempts offered in the game, with difficulties ranging from very easy to very hard. In addition, some persuasion attempts are presented only after certain decisions are made within the quest prior to the discussion.

The list currently includes checks within the Main Quests, Faction Quests and Side Quests of the core game as well as those appearing in the Teeth of Naros and The Legend of Dead Kel DLC.

There appears to be a total of 84 possible persuasion attempts within the main game, an additional 10 within Teeth of Naros and another 4 possible within The Legend of Dead Kel.


  • Increase your Persuasion skill early on, as persuasion attempts are offered very early on in the game and continue throughout with often increasing difficulty.
  • Invest in Persuasion trainers when encountered.
  • Save your game prior to talking to quest characters and reload in the event you fail your initial attempt.
  • Use Social Grace potions to temporarily boost your Persuasion skill.

Persuasions within Main Quests[]

Persuasion Attempts Main Quests
Quest Name Attempts Offered Notes
Out of the Darkness 1 from Encel after meeting the Praetorian Guards. If you chose to be Almain or Dokkalfar, you will have a 95% chance of success. Llosalfar and Varani only have a 5% chance of success.
Into the Light 3 One from the Gnome fighting the bear in the first area you roam. Then, while talking to Agarth. Last, while talking with Alyn Shir in Arden's Hut.
Old Friends, New Foes 1 After nearly completing the quest during the 2nd talk with Nyralim.
Breaking The Siege 2 Get Elund Carth's approval to go to battle. Then, before the Malwyn/Balor encounter speak with Captain Mys. Go through all dialogue, up to "Join Me".
Pride Before a Fall 3 All 3 from Callis Dren. One as soon as you spawn into the area (before talking to the gnome quest giver), then another after talking to the gnome before combat, third is after combat.
Taking Vengeance 1 Given from Alyn Shir just prior to entering the Court of Winter.

Persuasions within Faction Quests[]

Persuasion Attempts Faction Quests
Faction Quest Name Attempts Offered Notes
Warsworn Lock and Key 2 Both while talking to Gwyn while she is imprisoned.
Warsworn The House of No Doors 3 One from Elbin Meroch. One from the receptionsist in the Custom House and/or one at the basement window grill (if you do not know/use the "password".)
Warsworn The Mountain Prison 1 From Anru Besin prior to battling him.
House of Ballads Ballad of Bloody Bones 1 When talking to Bloody Bones.
Travelers The Guided Hands 1 From Gunnar Frode in Vrode Lodge.
Travelers The Silent Step 1 From Ametair's voice after opening Arduath dungeon.
Travelers Something Borrowed 1 From Queen of Cups at quest's end.
Travelers Outside the Box 1 From Eloren Criet in the Adessa Laboratories.
Scholia Arcana Trial by Fire 1 From the Strange Sorceress under certain conditions.
House of Sorrows The Sorrows Call 3 Two from the floating sphere and one from the Poisoned Fae.
House of Sorrows Such Sweet Sorrow 1 From Bisarane after dispelling the 4th nexus.
House of Valor Meeting with Magnus 1 Cyrus Erlin can be persuaded to run off.

Persuasions within Side Quests[]

Persuasion Attempts Side Quests
Quest Name Attempts Offered Notes
A Master's Touch 2 In the first dialog with Gavroche if your character has a high enough blacksmithing skill.

First dialog after finding the Hermit Smith.

A Time to Reap 1 When talking to the Headsman prior to the final battle.
Bad Blood 2 Both in final dialogue with Einar. If successful he will kill himself.
Bell, Book and Candle 2 While talking to Fatir.
Community Service 1 While talking to Reddle Mane.
Crisis of Faith 1 Persuade Finna and Arbos the Veil is cursed.
Derfel's Labors 1 Kells Cafferty can be persuaded to give the bloodstone for half the price.
Every Sparrow Fallen 1 At beginning of quest, when Selni suggest asking the City Guard for help, suggest that "No one can be trusted".
Family Arms 1 Anwyr Hedef can be persuaded to gain entry to Dolve Arne.
Ghosts of Seawatch 2 Persuade Private Cornall. Persuade Fridi for dagger.
His Brother's Keeper 1 From Giram Alba, after going through the Tomb of Fyragnos and exiting on the other side.
Homecoming 1 Convince husband to go home.
Miners in the Sand 1 Given inside the mine by Edgar Aron.
Mixing Business 1 Persauade Gwalchmai to do business. Works best after giving him two bottles of wine.
Oh, the Indignitaries 3 From Squire Brio and your dialogues with the dignitaries.
Opening a Vein 2 Persuade miner to open door. Persuade Mayor to jail*. (*Must decline to help mayor.)
Out of the Past 1 Persuade Ugnar for the dagger.
Out of the Ruins 1 Persuade Atheof to pay up front.
Raising the Dead 1 Convince man to give up family ring.
Ratofer's Pawns 1 When selling the charter to Gordan Lot in Ayten.
Reprisal, Reprised 1 In Odarath. Convince Penri Kell after quest.
Return to Sender 1 From Parwen Well.
Rivener Tarsus 1 Convince Purta to give you Crack of Dawn.
Runaways 2 Persuade Beom to free Steg. Then persuade Hrindi from taking nest egg.
Shine and Shadow 1 Persuade Avicenn to let you keep the daggers after you retrieve them.
The Antelope 1 From Marga Sammac in Lorca-Rane.
The Blades and the Seal 1 Convince Hillared Gastyr that Drewn is alive.
The Fisherman's Bride 1 From the fisherman in Holnstead in Ettinmere.
The Flowering 2 From Osduin before and after quest.
The Natural Order 2 Speaking to Othel Holn, the brother of Thaddeus Holn, unlocks a persuasion attempt with Thaddeus. This must be done before completing The Natural Order, or Thaddeus will succumb to blood plague.

After opening the 2nd door in Coilsbrain Ruins.

The Orison 3 On 2nd part of quest, all persuading the blasphemer.
The Siege of Moondown 5 Lie to the healer, persuade the Mercenary, and another three in a row during your speech to the crowd.
The Tithes that Bind 3 Persuade 3 merchants to donate.
The Treasure of Culn 1 Persuasion option with final soldier.
They Walk Among Us 3 From Elrod Edman outside of Emaire.
Tidings of War 1 Convince Alfan Del (in Lower Tunnels) to take conscription notice.
Tirin's Secret 5 Persuade Gwastl Brad to tell about the prisoner. Persuade the jail guard to open the door. Persuade White Nil Kern for the key. Then one persuasion from the priestess after quest. There is also a persuasion attempt to convince the priestess your character is a follower of Lyria.
Worth Fighting For 1 When first accepting the quest from Hreid Amelthoe in the Red Marches.

Persuasions within Teeth of Naros DLC[]

Persuasion Attempts Teeth of Naros
Quest Tree Quest Name Attempts Offered Notes
Main Quest Rites of Passage 2 Both while talking to Secrandra during first encounter with her.
Main Quest Shapen in Iniquity 1 While talking to Secandra after looting the tomb.
Side Quest Back to Basics 3 One each from Heliodorous, Korrinna and Hystis at end of quest.
Side Quest Dramatis Personae 3 All 3 during your performance with Straton at the end of the quest.
Side Quest Labor of Love 1 Persuade Pacetor to reveal his history at end of quest. If the check is failed, a second check will immediately be presented. If the first check if passed, no second check is offered.

Persuasions within The Legend of Dead Kel DLC[]

Persuasion Attempts Legend of Dead Kel
Quest Tree Quest Name Attempts Offered Notes
Main Quest Dark Harbor 1 Hard check (66% with Persuasion level 10) from Tari Holstig after clearing the docks and before entering the cave. If successful, the quest Justice Done is available. If this check is failed, another (very hard) persuasion check in the quest Price of Freedom becomes available.
Side Quest Ties that Bind 2 Both from Angharad Glyndowr as you try to persuade her from pursuing her plans.
Side Quest Price of Freedom 1 If you failed the persuasion check with Tari in Dark Harbor, you are presented here with a very hard check (33% with persuasion level 10) to persuade Tari to escape the cage. If you passed the check in Dark Harbor, this quest is not available and Justice Done (with no persuasion checks) is available instead.
Side Quest Master of the Keep 1 Elwa Brond can be persuaded to half the debt that has to be paid to her.


A Wink and a Smile
You have succeeded at 50 Persuasion attempts.
Points 15 Game points
Trophy Bronze