- "How can I help? Everything okay in the camp? The Warsworn are here to assist you."
The Fateless One meets Pledgeshield Grunberg while searching for clues regarding Effie Cruikshank’s whereabouts. Oskar Grunberg is a Human male Pledgeshield of the Warsworn hired together with Pledgeshield Bolton by Donovan Byrnes to protect his caravan while journeying down The Westroad towards the settler camp of Revival. When asked about the strange device discovered at the bottom of the canyon Pledgeshield Grunberg speculates that it may be the work of the necromancer. Furthermore, he mentions that odd lights and sounds have been coming from an abandoned house further down the road, but he hasn't been able to investigate due to his other duties.
The Westroad, north of the Roadside Shack.