Amalur Wiki


"Five Years. Right here. Didn’t lift a sword. Didn’t so much as raise my voice. Not much to write home about, I’m afraid. I made up plenty, though. Really juicy stuff. Hmm… Now that I think of it, that may end up being [a] problem."


The Fateless One meets Private Garysh inside the Officer’s Hall in Rathir’s Lower City to obtain a border permit that will allow them to cross the checkpoint in Odarath and enter the land of Mithros. Garysh is a male Almain that serves as a private in the Alfar Military. Despite having volunteered over five years ago, he has been stationed at the Officer’s Hall the entire time and thus hasn’t seen any combat (a fact that Private Garysh himself has no qualms about).


Inside the Officer’s Hall, Rathir Lower City

Related Quests[]


No! Can’t be. I stand in the presence of greatness. If only my friends could see this! You’re famous! They’re making dolls of you. Did you know that? For the kiddies, I mean. Well… I have a few. Just for me. Not in a strange way or anything.

Private Garysh, meeting the Fateless One

War’s over. Most of us volunteers will be discharged to go home and help with the reconstruction. There’s plenty to do, which means I’ll need to figure out new ways to avoid work.

Private Garysh, thoughts on the Crystal War
