- “Hello. Private Sterling. Aflar Army. Mountain Brigade. State your business.”
The Fateless One meets Private Sterling at the Dalentarth/Mithros checkpoint while attempting to cross the border and enter Mithros in search of Agarth. Sterling is a female Dokkalfar that has served in the Alfar Military for the past ten years. Enlisting after she received notice that her sister Bindi had been killed in Klurikon, Sterling was assigned to the Mountain Brigade. This unit is responsible for monitoring, maintaining, and guarding the Sativa Road, the only road connecting Alfaria and the Almere Valley for a thousand miles. Besides this, her primary duty is to maintain detailed records of everyone that passes through, only letting refugees, migrants, and settlers with border permits to pass through into Mithros.
Dalentarth/Mithros border checkpoint in Odarth to the northwest of Gorhart Village.