- These boots are part of the privateer's uniform worn by deadly seafaring mercenaries that hunt down and deal with pirate threats. These seagoing warriors are skilled in the ways of sabotage, assassination, and sea and land survival.
- +5% Critical Hit Damage
- +8% Chance to Critical Hit
- Clam close to the entrance in Scuttle Beach
- See bugs on the main DLC page for The Legend of Dead Kel. Multiple copies of this armor can be found, each upgraded to the Fateless Ones level at the moment of looting.
Set Bonuses[]
Privateer's Armor Set provides the following bonuses:
- 2 Pieces: +10% Piercing Damage
- 3 Pieces: +1 Health Regen per Sec
- 4 Pieces: +2 to Finesse Abilities