Onesimos, the master of Idylla's school of philosophy, has asked me to debate some of his scholars. My first opponent is a Kollossae named Thais. I should seek him out and accept his challenge.
- Talk to Onesimos in The Lykeios off of the Idylla Concourse. He will ask you to debate several of his students:
Debate Thais[]
- The topic: "A torrential storm sweeps a youngling and a full-grown Kollossae into the flow of a big river. There's only time to save one. Which should one choose to save?"
- Pick any of the options in the conversation at which point he will attack you. Once you beat him, Onesimos will explain that debates in the Lykeios are made by opening statements and then combat to decide which position is correct.
Debate Sistus[]
- The topic: "On a trip across the vast desert, you and your companion encounter a boulder. It is an airborne boulder, and it crushes your friend. He tells you: Leave me, Beckoned! Even were you to lift this boulder from off my battered body, I would be half a Kollosae!"
- Pick an option, beat Sistus and return to Onesimos.
Debate Xeno[]
- The topic: "What makes a war worth fighting?"
- Pick an option, beat him and return to Onesimos.
Debate Phinne[]
- The topic: "Does might make right?"
- Pick an option, beat her and return to Onesimos.
Debate Onesimos[]
- When you return to him, he will pose one last question: "Can those with absolute power, such as yourself, have courage? If one enters battle with victory all but assured, can one also be called brave?"
- You can accuse him of calling you a coward, which he denies, or answer the question. After that he will attack you. Beat him and return back.
- Onesimos thanks you for the battles and rewards you with gold (~ 8000 XP at level 40) and Logos (Shield, Block 76 damage, +15% elemental resistance, -15% mana costs, +1 to sorcery abilities)
- (X360, PS3 and PC) - By activating or finishing this quest, you might find yourself incapable to fast travel anywhere, and it will always stay like this. It is therefore recommended to save often, but prior to this, go to Idylla concourse and attempt to fast travel. If this is possible then save the game and continue. If it isn't possible then reload a previous save where you are still able to fast travel.
- (PC) - After many experiments I was able to determine the cause of the bug mentioned above. Namely, if you don't let your opponent hit you at least once thus defeating them and ending current debate, the bug occurs. The solution is to let your opponents hit you at least few times in each fight (debate) and the bug of not being able to fast travel won't occur.