Sergeant Erion Odi is a healer-turned-soldier, and a long-time veteran of the Alfar Military forces. He was taken in by the Ansilla family at a young age and stayed at the Seawatch Castle practising healing arts. When the Castle was attacked by a Bolgan army led by the Tuatha Deohn he fled the castle, a decision he's regretted ever since. In order to atone for his sin of abandoning everyone in the castle he took up sword and joined the Military. His healing talent left him after he experiences the horrors of war.
After the siege of Mel Senshir is broken he leads a unit into the northern Caeled Coast of Klurikon, where he makes camp awaiting the bulk of the Army. He agrees to escort two civilians - Brun the Bard and Aloff the Hunter - during this expedition.
Erion is one of the characters the Fateless One must seek out to restore the Seawatch Castle to its former glory. Erion initially thinks this a joke, but quickly realizes this is his chance to atone and gladly returns to Seawatch once a suitable replacement is found for his command.
Sergeant Odi can be found at Odi's Camp, in the northern part of Caeled Coast in Klurikon.
Involved in: Ghosts of Seawatch
- His healing talent returns at Seawatch.
- Once at Seawatch, he is now called Private Odi