Amalur Wiki


My own telling has brought me here to the Gardens of Ysa, to act as one of its guardians and caretakers. I will protect it from any threat... including you.


Seterlu is a Fae guard that can be found at the gates of the Den of Night in Ysa.


Turn away, mortal. The Den of Night is meant for the impudent. Your entrance will be denied.
Everyone who slumbers in the Den of Night has found themselves there for a reason. See to it you are not one of them.
It is where the brazen and unrepentant are sent to consider their crimes. Must I point out that the Den of Night's occupants are almost always mortals? They are given time to reflect, and when they are ready, they may brave the beasts of the hollow to return to us here on the surface.

when asked about the Den of Night.

It is a great privilege for mortals to reside in this our most sacred dwelling. Try to deny your dustling impulses and resist from killing each other.

when asked about the Gardens of Ysa.

" I do not want to see you in here mortal."

Avoid the Den of Night, dustling.


