Amalur Wiki


It is the name I chose when I baptized myself in the clear waters of Mitharu. I have undergone the ordination rites and am as legitimate as any monk.


Sister Zelda is a highly pious woman who demands that women be allowed to enter the Order of Mitharu in a protest outside St. Odwig's Mission in Gorhart. The Fateless One may help her gain admission to the order.

Related Quests[]


Without the father I would not have a place at the mission. He took it on faith that Mitharu has a larger plan for us. For me.

when asked about Father Dynwel.

It is my home. Once Father Dynwel relented, the brothers had no choice but to accept me into their family. It takes time to change the world.

when asked about her new life in St. Odwig's Mission.

She was wronged by someone in this village. That is an injustice I can understand. By its appearance, you'd assume Gorhart is a pleasant place. Never make assumptions.

when asked about the Wounded maiden.

If such creatures were not part of the Authority's plan then they would not exist in nature. Period. Mitharu's divine order governs all, even the Fae.

when asked about the Fae.


