Should Burtal/Arcane/Precise weaponry bother with the ability template? And if so, should it be once for each series or should I, II, III, and IV have their own templates? BorosPaladin (talk) 15:50, July 29, 2014 (UTC)
As it appears, adding the tables and templates for those pages wouldn't really help much more than how they already are. And they seem a bit too complex to to try it so I say skip them for now. --WikiaWizard (talk) 01:22, July 30, 2014 (UTC)
I'll leave them be, but while I think that tables wouldn't be necessary I think that the template with tier, prerequisites, and levels could be helpful. Not sure they'd be helpful enough to justify the effort, though. BorosPaladin (talk) 15:48, July 30, 2014 (UTC)