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Amalur Wiki


The Salon Magisterium is a secret auction house used by prominent Mitharans and their henchmen to temporarily imprison and sell kidnapped settlers as slaves. It becomes accessible during the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Fatesworn DLC side quest: The Taken.


The Salon Magisterium is an underground dungeon built into the side of a mountain crag located southwest of Revival near The Westroad. The entrance is camouflaged to look exactly like the surrounding rock and cannot be opened until after the Fateless One has obtained The Salon Magisterium Key. The interior opens up into a massive cave chamber with an underground lake fed by a waterfall. The chamber narrows into a westward tunnel that branches north and south. The south branch leads to a narrow corridor used to store supply boxes and is booby-trapped with bear traps. The northward tunnel eventually turns west and then north again to a large multi-level ciricular chamber that is The Salon Magisterium’s main feature: the prisoner market. The adjoining chamber to the north has long been abandoned and has been taken over by Venomspitters. Preordained banners can be seen adorning the walls and corridors of the The Salon Magisterium.


Several things of note can be found inside The Salon Magisterium:


During The Taken[]

After The Taken[]


The following items found here can be looted:

  • Chest x 4
  • Warded Chest (Average) x 2
  • Locked Chest (Average) x 1
  • Pile of Rocks (Hidden Treasure) x 3


The following reagents can be harvested here:


  • Bear Trap x 3
  • Jump Point x 2

