- Talk to Rhiad Guth in the lower city of Rathir. She will ask you to deliver notices of duty to several citizens of Rathir:
- Ruhnir Wesnon in the Wending House.
- Varen Seawine in the Seafoam Tavern.
- Maiwen Wyvyrn-Gifre in House of Wyvyrn-Gifre in the Upper City (Rathir).
- Afan Del in The Lower Tunnels.
- Requires successful persuasion check. Failing this will cause Afan to run away and to be attacked by rats and bandits. They can be killed to save Afan who will then reluctantly accept his Notice of Duty.
- If asked what to do with the notice instead, Afan will send you to the City Watch to instead offer it to Ungris Yriden, a Varani prisoner there.
- Note: Afan can be left to fend for himself against to the attackers and will be inevitable overcome. This will not cause the quest to fail but the reward received will be lower.
- Once all 4 are delivered the Fateless One should return to Rhiad Guth.
- XP and Gold, both level-based (~2000 and 3000, respectively, at level 30)