- "My past isn’t worth mentioning. Rotten family. Hardship. War. I’m done with all that. I’m important now. I’ve got influence… so don’t cross me."
Tuven Lynch is a male Ljosalfar that migrated west from Apotyre to the land of Mithros in an attempt to leave his troubled past behind. His life would change drastically upon meeting the Augur. Seeing him as a visionary leader and a seer, Tuven heeded his warnings about the dark future ahead and fully accepted his proclamations that the only path to freedom from predestination was through chaos. After converting to the worship of the God of Chaos, Telogrus, he would rise quickly through the ranks and become the Augur’s personal bodyguard and lieutenant. Fiercely protective of his master, Tuven is highly suspicious of and openly hostile towards anyone he perceives as a threat to the Augur. He is especially disdainful of Lyenna Crosse.
The Fateless One encounters Tuven Lynch in Revival while he’s standing guard by the Augur during one of his sermons. They cross paths again during the A Preordained Encounter faction quest and the False Prophets side quest.
Tuven Lynch can always be found in Revival.
Related Quests[]
- Tuven Lynch wears armor that is visually similar to the Shadowskin Armor Set.