Amalur Wiki

The Tyrgash are a brutal race of orcs whose constant attacks have threatened and devastated the civilized races of Amalur ever since The Early Kingdoms. Their capital is the citadel of Nethemgar, located at the Valley of Scars, a land said to be even harsher than Fortenmar, where only the strongest can have the hope to survive. However, this way of life has served them well, as when an army of Tyrgash rides to battle, opponents know they will face the strongest, most resistant-battle enemies.

During the Early Kingdoms, a group of Tyrgash was told about the treasures that lied within the monastery of Akre and eager to pilage everything they could from the gnomes, the Tyrgash fleet quickly sailed to the isle where the monastery was located. Slaughtering everyone they found inside, the race of orcs completely annihilated the entire gnomish caste of the Auspices, who had been called to Akre in their entirety to attend the gnomish religious festival Lighting of the Path. No less important, they also stole or destroyed priceless artifacts and documents as well.

In their savagery, the Tyrgash didn't really take the spotlight again until the Hyperian Age, when they began a vicious campaign of attacks against the outter outposts of the Hyperian Republic of the Kollosae, who understood that only a stronger position in world affairs would protect its citizens, therefore creating the Empire of Hyperia. Quite a bit of time later, as the Kollosae Empire fell on decadency, the Tyrgash were enlisted by the Dokkalfar as member of a secret alliance, to which the Jottun also belonged after being spurned by the Kollosae, who had listened to the Dokkalfars' honeyed words. Along with the Dokalfar and the Jottung, the Tyrgash marched against the Kollosae in the Siege of Pelios. The fall of Pelios and, ultimately, of the Hyperian Empire ushered Amalur into the Age of Heroes .
