A lawgiver, Hermokrates, has asked for my help in executing the will of the tender of the Evenroot, a special plant brought to Idylla from the Kollossae's homeland. He wants me to collect the waters of Njordir's Font and use them to water the Evenroot in Idylla.
- This quest can be obtained from Hermokrates, in the Idylla Concourse, after finishing Into Temptation.
- He asks the Beckoned to tend to the Evenroot, as the only Kollossae who knows how in Idylla has passed away.
- Njordir's Font is located in the north of the Teeth of Naros.
- A ritualistic Amphora can be found on an altar, by the spring, and it must be filled with the waters from the waterfall (in Njordir's Font).
- The Beckoned should return to the concourse to water the flower.
- The quest ends after talking to Hermokrates (XP and Gold, both level-based ~ 8060 gp at level 40 - And the ring Windswept Band), but not before he mentions that Wild Evenroot grows in the Teeth of Naros and can be watered (with the same Amphora) for additional rewards.
- Hermokrates glitched into the ground in front of the bookcase in his quarters, and I've found no way to talk to him and receive this quest.